China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM)

Level II-Uppermost mantle seismic Pn-velocity in continental China and its tectonic implications (study under review)

TitleUppermost mantle seismic Pn-velocity in continental China and its tectonic implications
AuthorsJiayu Ma, Li Sun, Weilai Wang, Jianping Wu, Xiaoxin Wang, and Lianxing Wen
Corresponding authorJiayu Ma (
Key wordsUppermost mantle structure; Pn tomography; China; Event location
DescriptionWe construct a high-resolution Pn-velocity model in continental China through a new tomographic scheme simultaneously inverting event epicenter location and Pn-velocity and accurately accounting for the Pn propagation effects of irregular crustal thickness variation. The inversion integrates a combined dataset of 32427 absolute Pn travel times and 62431 interstation Pn differential travel times manually picked from the recordings of 2989 stations in and around continental China, yielding a model of spatial resolutions ranging from 0.75°×0.75° to 3°×3°.
Data structureInvertedResult/EventLocInfo.dat: inverted event epicenter locations
InvertedResult/PnTravelTime.dat: manually-picked 95878 Pn travel times
InvertedResult/PnVelocity.dat: inverted uppermost mantle seismic Pn-velocity model in continental China
WaveformData/ windowed event Pn waveform data
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ReferenceMa J., Sun L., Wang W., Wu J., Wang X., and Wen L., Uppermost mantle seismic Pn-velocity in the continental China and its tectonic implications, under review in JGR: Solid Earth.

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