China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM)

Nov 092016

The China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC) has provided the China Seismological Reference Model Product Center with waveform data of global medium magnitude earthquakes from permanent stations in China since 2012. At the same time, the Product Center has also collected waveform data from IRIS from Chinese regional stations for global medium magnitude earthquakes since 2000. These data will be analyzed and pre-processed, and then shared in accordance with the data management rules of the Product Center, subject to the confidentiality rules and other requirements of the China Earthquake Networks Center:

  1. The data will be shared among researchers in China.
  2. The use of the data by researchers is limited to their own research team; the use of the data must ensure that the confidentiality of the original source is respected.
  3. Users of the data should negotiate with the original source on how to share the results of the use of the data, with the minimum requirement being a citation in an article about the original source, and the original source being a co-author or not, depending on whether the original source wishes to be a co-author or not.
  4. Volunteers are solicited to analyze these data. The main tasks of the volunteers will be to analyze the quality of the data, to screen the data, and to create various pre-processed data for use in the reference model (e.g., receiver function libraries for crustal structure studies). These pre-processed materials will become reference model libraries, which will be published and shared according to the governing rules and updated in due course. Volunteers must have considerable scientific research experience, which will be assembled in USTC, Hefei.

Scientific researchers who would like to volunteer, please contact Prof. Lianxing Wen ( within this week and let us know which area of data preprocessing you are interested in and your schedule in Hefei.

 Posted by at 22:25