China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM)

Level II-Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application

TitleSimultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: methodology and application
AuthorsXiao Xiao, Li Sun, Xiaoxin Wang and Lianxing Wen
Corresponding authorXiao Xiao (
Key wordsRayleigh wave phase velocity, North-South Seismic Belt
DescriptionIn this study, we determine the Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps at three selected periods of 20s, 26s and 32s and earthquake centroid parameters, using the simultaneous inversion method. In the inversion, we use the inter-station phase velocity dispersion curves extracted from seismic ambient noise data and event-station phase velocity dispersion curves extracted from Rayleigh waves of the regional earthquakes in the North-South Seismic belt (NSSB) region as seismic constraints.
Data & Software phase.vel.models.tar: inverted phase velocity model in the NSSB region. final determined earthquake centroid parameters.
ANT.disp.tar: inter-station Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves.
EQ.disp.tar: event-station Rayleigh wave phase velocity dispersion curves. Source code for measuring the event-station phase velocity dispersion curves
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ReferenceXiao, X., Sun, L., Wang, X., & Wen,L. (2022). Simultaneous inversion for surface wave phase velocity and earthquake centroid parameters: Methodology and application. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024018.

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