China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM)

Apr 042018

For each data in the released continuous waveforms (Level 1 data) of global seismic events of M5.5+ from 2012 to 2016, the China Seismological Reference Model Product Center has provided the instrument response files for the national and provincial stations in China. If you want to view more information about the updated instrument responses, please click “Data Search & Download” →“Permanent Station Instrument Response”.

The Product Center sincerely thanks the China Earthquake Networks Center for checking and updating the instrument response files.

The data in the Product Center includes Level 1 and Level 2 data. Among them, the Level 1 data is the original seismic waveform, which is shared by domestic researchers in real-time; the Level 2 data is the selected data or processing intermediate results (such as dispersion curves, etc.) for the construction of the reference model by China Seismological Reference Model. Such level 2 data will be shared by the constructing group of the China Seismological Reference Model before the relevant models are published, and by domestic scientific researchers after the publishment.

If you want to obtain the rights of using data published by the Product Center, please click the ” Data Search & Download ” → “Creating Account Procedures” to view the detailed process of creating an account. After the application is done, you can download the seismic data according to the method provided in ” Data Search And Download” → “Navigation for Data Download”.

 Posted by at 09:35