China Seismological Reference Model (CSRM)

Creating account procedures

1Fill out the “Confidentiality Agreement for Seismic Data Service of China Earthquake Networks Center” (Confidentiality Agreement) with your signature and seal. Please submit electronic and paper versions of the agreement in triplicate to the China Earthquake Networks Center (Contact information and postal address are on Page 2 of the agreement).
2China Earthquake Networks Center would retain a copy of the Confidentiality Agreement and return the rest two copies to users by mail after the signature and seal are finished by the China Earthquake Networks Center.
3Fill out the “China Seismological Reference Model Product Center Data Service User Agreement” (User Agreement) with your signature and seal. Please submit the following materials to the Achievement Center: an electronic version of the agreement, a paper version of the agreement in triplicate, and an original “Confidentiality Agreement for Seismic Data Service of China Earthquake Networks Center” signed with the China Earthquake Networks Center  (Contact information and postal address are in Page 2 of the agreement).
4One copy of the User Agreement would be returned to the user after being reviewed by the Product Center. The administrator of the Product Center would provide the login username and password for users through E-mail filling in the agreement.
 Posted by at 10:43